One of the many questions about SEO practice is that, should internal linking added to website content? Some of SEO experts believe that adding internal link didn't do anything to website ranking, and only adding more tasks to do. But others seem to believe that this technique is the secret weapon than can boost rankings of internal pages. Then what's exactly can internal linking do? Is it something that should be implementing or something to ignore. Below are list of how internal linking can helps value of website ranking.
Read MoreWhen developing or revamp a website, the first priority that you have to decide is to make a search engine friendly website. There are many techniques to make a website search friendly. Among these techniques, there are simple techniques that can be done easily. The first technique is to make a responsive website. Lately, many of website's visitors are from mobile devices. About half of the search made by consumers made them to visit the store in the next few days.
Read MoreIt's quite shocking that Google released search quality elevator guidelines for the first time in history and this guideline has 160 page of SEO Gold. If you want to look how Google algorithms work, these guidelines reveal the most extensive and insightful about the information. Search quality elevator guidelines are mainly about quality assurance rules that Google employees use when performing human-based evaluations and quality control testing of the algorithm.
Read MoreIt's a normal thing to do for website owners continuously adjusting all aspect of their website to snatch the top position of search engine results page. One of the huge factors that can influence website value in search ranking is load speed of a website. With Google adding page load time as a ranking factor, there is an alternative way to help optimizing page speed called CDN or Content Delivery Networks.
Read MoreWith Google Panda algorithm thoroughly searches the internet to find pages that don't match to its quality standards and penalizes websites with substandard content. Because of this, many websites become the victim with their old contents that back then weren't optimized with SEO. Panda algorithm is one of the main Google algorithms, and its updating quite regularly. There's an opinion that said content that have been around quite long time doesn't matter, with assumption that Google with its Panda algorithm knows that older content is usually ignored by readers and is may not still relevant.
Read MorePage URL is one of the important parts for SEO on-page optimization. There are many things to consider when creating page URL, like is it necessary to include category? Is URL needs to be as short as possible or is it okay to have few words on it? And how many keywords that need to included on URL? In reality, URL that SEO friendly is differs depend the type of website. Below you can find explanation on how to create SEO friendly URL.
Read MoreSearch engine optimization is needed to website getting more traffic in the right way. Good SEO strategy becomes, not only one of the most efficient ways but also one of the most effective ways for businesses and brands to drive visitors to their websites. Meaning that getting more visitors brings more revenue. The most basic knowledge that companies know about SEO strategy are great contents, quality backlinks, and optimized on-page SEO. These are important factors to improve organic traffic that a website gets, but only few companies that realize site speed is also a huge factor for website's ranking. Fixing site speed is an important task to increase visitors.
Read MoreLocal search become one of the Google's main focuses on search algorithms, with the search engine launched Pigeon algorithm. This is because there were increasing demands for local information, so Google decide to improve their search system by adding local search algorithm for consumers and businesses. Users can easily notice this change when they searching for local information with the results are different.
Read MoreGood news for those of you who have been the victim of website hacked. Because recently Google just started rolling out algorithms that will aggressively look for spam in websites that have been hacked. The biggest search engine announced the changes in its Webmaster Tool blog, in the topic's post; it said that because there many rightful websites were hacked by spammers and used them to engage in abusive behavior, like free promotion to low quality site, malware download, porn sites, illegal drug offers and many more.
Read MoreGetting the right negative keywords are as important as positive keywords. SiteWit did a study in early this year that showed the top 3 paid result spots get about 41% of the clicks on SERP. Nowadays, to get those top spots are expensive, with wasteful clicks can drain budget for ads so quickly. While, online marketers are still not taking advantage by not using negative keywords, this kind of keyword is very underutilized in adWords and forgotten by many website owners especially from small business.
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