There are many advanced SEO guides that said .edu links is important as huge boost to any link profile. Even though it’s true, but to get .edu link is very difficult. It’s not about how to get them, but simply how to earn them. Not only getting backlink, there are also many good side effects of having your site URL on .edu website. The truth is .edu links are not the main factor of gaining huge traffic, because to possess authority and great ranking, a powerful link profile does not need to have .edu links.
It is possible for anyone to get .edu backlinks, with there are many educational intuitions that you can choose. Even when you stuck, you can always choose your high school, university or others. Before planning to start link building strategy of .edu links, there are couple things to know. The first thing is not too rush gaining many .edu links in short time, because if your site receive a lot of new .edu backlinks, Google’s algorithm can view this as a spam activity. Anchor text is another thing that needs to be careful.
As one of the Google’s primary signal for validity of a link, anchor text is probably the most significant component of a hyperlink after domain/trust/authority of the original domain. But when anchor text is keyword dense or exact match, then .edu link that a website get can be harmful. With Google Penguin’s algorithm that can eliminating target link of keyword-stuffed anchor text. To earn .edu backlinks require lots of time, effort and involvement of an educational institution. Below there are some of the methods or ways to get .edu backlinks.
Become a guest lecturer at college
If you have the ability to speak in front of many people, especially younger ones, then you don’t have any problem being a guest lecturer at college class. There are many colleges that usually have session to introduced professionals that are going to talk about what they do, how they do it and their achievement for an hour or more. For instance, there’s an entrepreneur class in college, and if you the owner of a company, you can share your input that can help students. Speaking as guest lecturer can make gain reputation as the head of a company. When got accepted to speak in a class, the university will list your data in a blog or class’ schedule. Then there you can put your website link in your profile as guest lecturer.
Interview a professor
Building connection with professors can give you a lot of advantages. With professors have a detailed view on particular subject; you can interview them to as the base of an article. After you publish your interview article with a professor of a university, most likely the university will promote your article as a feature in their website. If not, professors usually have a blog in their university website, and your article could be place in their blog.
Participate in a seminar
Many university likes to held seminars hoping their students can new information about area that they are interested in, like behind the scene working in a company, advanced knowledge and many more. The speakers of a seminar are usually from outside of the university. Participate to one the seminars by calling the university that about to held the event and find out if you can be one of the speakers. Guest speakers are usually mentioned in the announcement of a seminar on the website with link of their business in the short profile description.