With Google Panda algorithm thoroughly searches the internet to find pages that don't match to its quality standards and penalizes websites with substandard content. Because of this, many websites become the victim with their old contents that back then weren't optimized with SEO. Panda algorithm is one of the main Google algorithms, and its updating quite regularly. There's an opinion that said content that have been around quite long time doesn't matter, with assumption that Google with its Panda algorithm knows that older content is usually ignored by readers and is may not still relevant.
Read MoreAt the end of July, Gary Illyes, web trend analyst of Google confirmed that the search engine has began rolling out Panda algorithm update version 4.2 and said this update will effecting up to 3% of queries. But different from previous algorithm updates, the new update will take a really long time to fully impacting websites. So, if your websites haven't seen any impact from this update, don't get too excited because in few months you will see the effect from the update.
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