Digital life isn’t only accessible from PC anymore. Smart phone users are everywhere these days. And they also like to let their friends know where they are and what they’ve been eating for lunch. Social media and smart phone unites to allow them do these things.
Indonesia has been one of the biggest markets for smart phones especially Blackberry. Indonesia also ranks 4th in the world in term of Facebook user number. Not only that, Indonesia also is the Twitter capital in Asia with 2,34% of world tweet (ranked 6th).
Both Facebook and Twitter is strongly supported with many choices of mobile clients, so people don’t need to open their mobile browser to access those social media. They also integrate with SMS service, allowing more people to stay up to date with a phone with no internet connection.
This means millions of people in Indonesia will have access to Facebook and Twitter 24/7. These fact show that Social Media Optimization is still one of the best marketing tool available when we want to deal with Indonesian market.
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