Once your company or brand has choose the path of Social Media Marketing (SMM) as one of the internet marketing strategy, then it must be transformed into a human. Not an ordinary human, but really nice human.

When going into Facebook or Twitter, your brand must act like human, listen like human, communicate like human. Don’t need to be formal all the time. Build a friendly character that represents your brand. This needs a lot of practice.

social media marketing

SMM is not about posting some brand buzzing statement. It’s also about listening. Listen to whatever your follower/fans/friend says. Always try to respond with friendly manner. Jokes are acceptable. This is a chance for you to build strong customer relationship.

When people ask or say something about your brand, reply quickly. Responsiveness is important in SMM. Actually this is n advantage of quick feedback for the brand. Always reply until the customer satisfied. Always be the last to post reply.

And the most important thing is: be humble. Who doesn’t love a humble person. We’re trying to be their friend here. Good friend is the one who always provide comfort.