There's a war for the highest placement in SERP or search engine result page between SEO (search engine optimization) with SEM (search engine marketing) and what most company leaders don't know is that these two services are working against each other. Yes, that's right, many companies mistakenly use the two terms interchangeably that become the main problem.
Read MoreIn August, John Mueller as a Google Webmaster Trends Analyst told that Google had removed Google Authorship. This was a way for writers to show their profile like thumbnail photo and their little description in the article that they wrote on Google's SERP. Muller said that Google saw this as useless information for their users and causing distraction in the result. With this conclusion, Google decided to remove Google Authorship in their search result.
Read MorePeople who have following Google's algorithm call the newest update for Panda algorithm as Panda 4.1. Even though as soon as this change happened, Google said that they have made few improvement to Panda algorithm 4.0, and also other unnamed algorithms. Google told their users not to jump the gun of any changes in search engine rank is because of one of the algorithm that they changed. But they decided to explain that web page rank on their own search engine is a complex and continuously endeavor.
Read MoreFollowing animal names of previous Google search algorithms such as Penguin, Panda, and Hummingbird, now the new algorithm of Google search is called Pigeon. Even though, it's not officially named by Google. But most of SEO community decided to call the new Google search algorithm by that name. The reason why it's being called Pigeon, because how the new algorithm works is mostly affected local search algorithm and just like Pigeon who tends to fly in local area pattern.
Read MoreToday, PC or laptop is not the main tools that internet users use to access websites. They are now moving to mobile browsing by using smartphone or tablet, which are more convenient because they don't have to carry heavy things like PC or laptop. Now the problem is, not many website is mobile browsing friendly. But they can make their website still look good in desktop version and mobile version by using responsive web design. But, this is only for viewing matter. What about SEO? Is responsive web design good for it?
Read MoreSite speed has the same effect as the speed cooking of...
Read MoreIt’s surprising news when a friend told that Google keyword tool has gone. Gone? Yeah, that’s why when you might try to access the page around few weeks ago, it’s difficult to open. So the news came and made online marketing community got puzzled and dread. Mostly people who work with SEO, SEM, and PPC will let down hearing this. What’s the substitute for Google Keyword Tool then?
Read MoreMany people know that is not easy to get the backlinks through blogcomenting; register your blog to blog directories and social bookmarking sites; and submit articles to article directory web directory. Despite all the difficulties, we will feel bored since they have to be repeated continuously.
Read MoreEveryday, you will conversation with your friends / colleagues through the...
Do you know what social media is? Do you understand what social media can do for a brand? How do you see online objectives in relation to social media strategy? Shall we separate social media from other online channels?