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Search Engine Optimization

  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
December 18, 2014

Regular blog updates, quality contents, links, keywords, and social media, have been basic element of successful SEO strategy in recent years. With Penguin and Panda algorithm updates and other updates, SEO strategy can changed so quickly. SEO strategies that worked in the past are no longer success on today's system and in fact can bring penalties. Updates from Google algorithms made SEO strategist to create new SEO strategy that could bring success for website.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
December 11, 2014

Negative SEO has exists for long time and there are ways how to does it. The basic explanation of this method is the SEO practice using black hat techniques on another site. For the most part, a negative SEO attack is being done by a competitor using malicious manner to lower other website's ranking in search result. Kristi Hines from Search Engine Watch gives her thought on negative SEO,

"I consider negative SEO anything that could harm your reputation, visibility, or traffic in search."

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
December 4, 2014

With Google changed its search algorithms multiple times in recent years, makes SEO practitioners must keep up with the changes. They need to surely understand that what they did last month might not get the same result as before and they need to come up with the new SEO strategy. For SEO practitioners that need help to understand the changes that Google made to its algorithms since the beginning of SEO until recently, below there are few ways how SEO has evolved and what they need to look for when creating SEO strategy with today's landscape.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
November 27, 2014

Many people think that there's a battle between SEO and SEM for highest placement in search result page but, not many people realize that these two practices can actually work together to get the better and even the best result. While search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are different, but they have similar goal which to bring as many traffic to a website.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
November 20, 2014

When using WordPress or any other content management systems (CMS), there is option to use categories and tags for post. But lately, these 2 options for post are being ignored. Either because some users don't know how to use them or they’re using them in wrong way. Using categories and tags in the wrong way can hurt SEO practice. But that doesn't mean they can kill SEO.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
November 12, 2014

For digital agencies company, when it comes to search engine optimization and online marketing, they need to keep their eyes on what Google is doing. Because for last few years, the biggest search engine in world keeps updating its search algorithms, and for some companies that didn't know or follow about Panda and Penguin algorithm update, their sites are on trouble. The algorithm updates that Google did became main topics in SEO community, because they caused huge difference in ranking of search engine result page for most websites.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
November 4, 2014

With Google updating some of its search algorithms recently, there are still some people who believe in old SEO myths. An article from SearchEngineJournal explaining about common expired SEO myths that now is not so effective anymore. Because if people still believes in old SEO myths then the SEO practice that they're working on is not going to achieved as high as they can.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
October 30, 2014

Right now, most part of internet is under Google authority, it's often a challenging and impossible job to get a website to get higher rank against competitor in organic search term. But, with using SEO practice, this problem can be solved by practicing some SEO techniques to the website. With the right SEO strategy and tactic, a website will get higher rank and outrank its competitor.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
October 29, 2014

In early October, Gary Illyes of Google's Webmaster Trends Analyst and Search Quality Engineer hinted at a seminar that users can expect a new & refresh of Penguin algorithm to happen this month. As expected on Friday, October 17th, 2014, Google updated its Penguin algorithm. This was one of the most anticipated update in history, because there are rumors that said Google was going to release the new Penguin algorithm in early 2014 or in the summer.

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  • Raymond
  • Posted by Raymond
October 28, 2014

There are 2 general kinds of SEO Companies, one that offers guaranteed search engine optimization and the other one that doesn't offer any SEO guarantees. There’s no such thing as guaranteed SEO, so clients need to avoid companies that offer this kind of feature. Because basically, guaranteed search engine optimization is a big lie that clients are too blind to see it.

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