As one of the fundamental element of SEO strategy, keyword research is also a task that never easy to do. Mostly for SEO webmaster beginners, but for SEO experts, this task is like walking in a straight line. Keyword research is a complicated task to master, many people that have advanced digital skills admit it that they having a hard time whenever they need to do this task. Not only have that, the fact that the risk of this task is very high making people needed to be so careful when doing it. If you get the keywords wrong, your SEO strategy will fail, but if you get the keywords right then the SEO strategy that you’re running will deliver success.
When trying to get the right keywords, the first thing you need to do is be very thoughtful about the goal that you want to achieve. Then you need to understand the audience, like the words and phrases they usually searched when seeking something related to your product/service. Next, you also need to filter overused keywords in your product/service and carefully make a decision to use them or not. Lastly, you need to AVOID overusing the keywords or phrases that you decided to optimize, because keywords stuffing is one of the negative SEO practices and doing it will drive traffic away from your site.
After understanding but before moving on to focus at conversions, there are also many SEO variables you need to pay attention. This is also an important but difficult task, even though nowadays there are tools that will help you for this task. But if you want to do it by yourself, there are also tools that will help you getting through this keywords research task. Like, deciding the business and website goals, putting keywords that are currently you’re using and they rank, looking on how to improve the current keyword strategy, looking on how the competitors’ keyword strategy work, and then deciding the new keywords to use. If this sounds like a long process, but this is only a snippet of what you need to do because since August 10th, Google announced that access to the autocomplete API is being restricted.
Autocomplete API is when users use Google’s autocomplete phrase in the search bar that would reveal the powerful and free keyword suggestion. Now Google is restricting their suggestions in search bar. It said that Google built autocomplete as a complement to search, and in the beginning, it was never intended will exist disconnecting from the purpose of anticipating search queries by users. Now Google want to make sure that user experience for autocomplete is exactly what it used to be, a service that related closely to search activity. This restriction means that the main data source for many keyword research tools has been totally shut off. This makes those tools to change their strategies.
This makes SEO webmasters are looking for a feasible solution and have huge chance they will looking back to keyword research tools that have independent Google’s API. Usually these tools were made by computer linguistic masters and many years of experience in n-gram analysis from billions document that they regularly crawl, and they have built a solid foundation for detailed keyword research. This solid data analysis result in great keywords that could drive organic traffic to is what in stakes right now.