With Google brings Phantom update to the table, many content producers rethink the way they create content to adjust with the algorithm. Even though, the update is not related to Penguin or Panda, but its goal update and effect on SEO is similar, which is Google focus really hard on quality content for its search rankings. This leaves a question that many people are curious: What are the criteria of quality content?
Google still on silent mode after Phantom update was launched; this makes content producers need to patiently wait for official explanation. After Phantom updater roll out, sites like WikiHow, eHow, answers.com and those that similar to them having significant drops in their website traffic, while HubPages becomes the biggest victim with having lost 22% of its web traffic in one night. The only thing that content producers know about the new algorithm update is that messy and low quality content can make a site become another victim of the update. To avoid become the next victim, the trick is to stop viewing visitors as users and begin to accept them as readers. Below there are few tips that can help to make sure a site is producing great content for its visitors:
Use a human approach
The biggest understanding from Phantom update is that websites should create content for their readers not search engines. It’s important to look at what readers’ type in search query, especially for business’ website. There’s no better time than today to create longer content for both blog post and description on product pages. The goal right now is to get visitors to read from the top to the bottom of the page, get the important value of the article and share the page to others that they think are going to feel the same way or with others who will make an order of a product.
Easy to read
Small mistakes can bring down quality content. Check and proofread content for grammar mistakes and spelling error before upload. Having creative headers and formatting will make the content more attractive. It’s undeniable truth that attractive blogs get shared more than messy blog. It’s still an important key to not duplicate or copy other content. Photos, videos, infographics, podcast and maps can play a major part to drive new visitor. Multimedia content can make a content to be more reliable and same thing goes to bullet points. Even though good writing is the main key, don’t only depend on it.
Keep writing
Keep writing but with purpose to be exact. Create content with focus on creating pages of the same quality over and over again. Create content that makes it stand out from the others. Readers eventually will know what to expect and are going to coming back for the same reason if it’s what they want. Consistent writing will bring trust from readers and trust will bring reputation to the site. Google launched Phantom update become the end of low word count content and “how-to” articles, but it’s not a bad thing. Stop using the same traditional content strategies and explore more ideas to create smarter and high-quality content.