Close to the 4th Omeoo Anniversary celebration in the first of October, we have another celebration in the 4th of October. Here goes Aswirman, the birthday boy who celebrate his 24th in the cheerful yet warm celebration at Omeoo’s office. Wearing white England national jersey, Aswirman (we often call him Awing) looked so bright that day. Yeah, what a coincidence, that day was Friday!
Working day in that Friday seemed only to wait his celebration that held at 4.30 in the afternoon. Seemed most of the employees were starving at that time, so they looked happy when cake time came. Awing had a delicious chocolate cake. As usual, before we ate the cake, we had birthday rituals, such as praying, hit the candle lights and cut the slices of cake. The celebration was full of laughs and jokes. We all love this birthday boy since he is the most ridiculous person in the office and he also loves to make fun of us while either we are idle or on working. When he is idle, we can do nothing to take revenge.
After all, we pray all the best for Aswir for now and then. Hope Awing is not being taller than now (because he is already the tallest boy in the world), get her love soon, get better at work, get harder in play and live a good life afterward. Because he is Awing and we can do nothing except celebrating and praying. Watch the cakes and ale in this video below!