I found an infographic that illustrates how student nowadays use internet to cheat in school. Most of student think that copy-and-paste is allowable and legal. Moreover, in this digital technology era, people get ease more to do such thing. In the first part, there is a question, “but is it also blurring the lines on cheating?” Yes, it becomes blur when people justify the easiness of technology for things, such as cheating, bullying, etc.
From this infographic, we can see how many percents student who think copying a few sentences from any source in the internet without proper credit is allowed and not include as cheating. Then, they also think that cheating is no big deal. Wow! It is such a silent conspiracy when a student copy another and it’s fine. It will be more dangerous for our generation, digital generation. So take a look at this infographic and please give your opinion/comment.
Source: wiredacademic.com