Twitter announced that there's a new field in the streaming API which serves as an indicator that the tweet might be offensive

Twitter Platform Team announced on late Thursday that there’s a new field in the Twitter streaming API which will show up whenever a tweet contains a link, serving as an indicator that the URL contained in the tweet might be too sensitive for the workplace, or too gory for the faint-hearted.

This new feature, however, is still in the testing phase and yet to be functional.

On the decision to add the new feature, Twitter representative Carolyn Penner claims this change will give people control over their account. “We want to make sure that users are having a good photos experience, while giving them control over what they’re going to see,” says Penner. She also discloses that it won’t be used to censor content, but according to Twitter’s media policy document, the micro-blogging service will “remove media that might be considered sensitive such as nudity, violence, or medical procedures.”

Users can flag their own or other users' tweets as possibly offensive

Furthermore, Penner explains that the sensitive content field will pertain to all photos and video links in tweets, including those from Instagram, Twitpic and