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Tech messiah Steve Jobs is no longer with us, having succumbed to pancreatic cancer he had been fighting since 2004.

Along with co-founder Steve Wozniak, Jobs built one of the biggest and the most commercially successful companies in the world, Apple Inc., and founded Pixar animation studios.

Jobs’ passing came just a day after the newest iPhone was launched by his successor and new Apple CEO Tim Cook in Cupertino, California. Jobs resigned as CEO and relinquished his post to Cook on August 24 because of his failing health. He had been battling the cancer for several years and even had a liver transplant in 2009.

As the sad news of Steve Jobs’ death spread across the world like wildfire, Internet users reacted, turning to their social networks to share the news, the memories and inspiration from the man who changed the world of computing technology. has published its own memorial, and Facebook users have already created multiple Pages in memory of Jobs, including Thank You Steve Jobs and several R.I.P. Steve Jobs Pages.

Facebook Reactions

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And it took mere minutes for #RIPSteveJobs to become a trending topic on Twitter.

Twitter Reactions

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Barack Obama

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Mark Zuckerberg

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Steve Jobs on How to Live Before You Die

As people from all around the Interwebs go into an online equivalent of a moment of silence and take a little time to honor Steve Jobs, we’d like to let one of the most inspiring men the tech industry has known speak for himself, in his own words – about life, death and the love of technology.

This speech, from a widely regarded Commencement address Jobs gave to Stanford students in 2005, never gets old, no matter how many times you watch it.