Rumor said that Apple will launch iPhone 5c by cheaper price wil come true. This remarkable US company said that they will sell iPhone 5C in a cheap price although some important tools will be dismissed. iPhone 5c will have 8GB internal memory, relatively limited since the iPhone application file is getting larger.

Apple Launches Cheaper iPhone 5C-1

Temporary, Apple just sells iPhone 8 GB in France, England, German, China and Aussie. In England, this smartphone costs 429 poundsterling (about 8 million rupiah). Other memory capacity, 16 GB, is being sold 469 pounsterling (about 8,8 million).

Beside the limited internal memory, the specification and its design is not much having a difference with iPhone 5C 16GB. The materials still occupy plastic with various choice of color.

Apple Launches Cheaper iPhone 5C-2

Apple has a customer market for the middle class in developing country, however, it is still quiet expensive and the selling result is not satisfying. In Indonesia, iPhone 5C cost 8,7 million, still more expensive than the most sophisticated Samsung Galaxy S4 costs 7,5 million.

Will Apple increase the selling point of iPhone 5C by launches this cheaper version?