Hi again, today’s tutorial is making a new photo to have an old looking impression. To make it history like and everything. Oh, and I am using photoshop CS4 to make this tutorial so I didn’t know if it will work well in other version…
First, choose a photo. This is a dancer from Indonesia, by the way.
And to have a nice contrast, let’s go to image>adjustments>level(Shift+ctrl+L), change the black slider into 40, and the grey slider into 2.
Then go to image>adjustments>hue/saturation. Make the hue into 40, saturation into 25, and lightnes into -20
Duplicate this layer, then go to filter>blur>Gaussian blur. But the face still blurry, of course, we don’t want that
In the layer box, select the mask icon. And then make gradient from black into white, from the face to the outside.
Change the layer mode into lighter mode.
Now copy and paste the image below into the picture, resize it. Then set the layer mode into overlay with 80% opacity.
Since it still look a little darker,activate the layer and go to the image>adjustments>level(Shift+ctrl+L), change the grey slider into 2.
Make a new layer, use a rectangular marquee too (M) to make a border.
Press shift+ctrl+i to invert the selection. Add a fill to the selection
Press ctrl+d to deactivate selection. This is the final result.