Hi all. There is this really cool thing in illustrator called live trace. From this we could built a bacteria kinda living thing from nothing. So here we go.
Make a perfect rectangle using a rectangle tool (M), and use a radial gradient to fill it, choose the color from the swatches, I used the R=0 G=104 b =55 and for the center I used R=140 G=198 B=63.
Make a new layer on top of it, use any color you want.
go to effect>texture>stained glass. Change the cell size into 35 border thickness into 5 and light intensity into 10.
This is how it should look like now.
go to object>expand appearance, then go to object> live trace>make and expand. Ungroup it.And this is the result.
Select the black area, recolor it into white.
Then select the rest of the other area (not the one you just recolor) and delete it.
This is how it should look like now.
Go to pucker tool in the tool box, click it twice,
and set the width and height into 40pt angle into 60 and the intensity into 30%.
Activate the white area, and start puckering
Now go to transparency box (Shift+ctrl+F10), and change it into overlay mode, and the opacity into 75%.
This is how it should look like
Now go to appearance box (shift+F6), click the layer fill then go to effect>stylize>outer glow.
Change the setting into screen mode, 80% opacity and blur into 3 pixel.
This is how it should look like now.
To make another variety, let’s reflect it (right click>transform>reflect)
Now, start using the pucker tool again in some area.
And then go into transparency box and change it into overlay mode and 75% opacity.
This is the result.