I know, you know how to desaturate an image, just press shift+ctrl+u. But if you want to color them, there is a lot more steps, and here’s the steps.
First this is my image. I take this image from http://wordpress-11340-25313-60382.cloudwaysapps.com//angelinajolie.celebden.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/Angelina%20Jolie%20hair%20style.jpg
Anyway,the first thing you have to do is double click the background layer and activate it.
Just so it was a little cleaner, make a group of it.
Then using pentool,
try to draw path around her. Don’t worry about her hair yet.
go to path box, and right click>make selection.
Set the feather into 0.5pixel
make a mask on the layer.
This is how it should look like now.
disable layer mask with shift+left click on the mask.
And then go to channel and duplicate the red channel.
enable the mask again then go back to the red copy channel, and go to image>adjustment>curves.
Try to contrast the hair as much as you could
Press ctrl+i on the red copy channel, so it would invert. Then ctrl+ click on it, then go to the mask layer and using brush tool set the primary color into white and brush all the selection. This is how it should look right now. Then just delete the red copy channel.
then click the icon for create new fill or adjustment layer>gradient map .
A Gradient Map uses the grayscale data from the image to apply the gradient that you create. The left side of the gradient represents the darkest parts of the image. The right side represents the light parts.
Because we need too represent a woman skin just guess about it. Don’t forget to set the layer mode into color.
Then let’s make her lips look a bit real, use pen tool and draw the shape of her lips, make selection with 0.5pixel feather.Then click the icon for create new fill or adjustment layer>curve.
Tweak it a bit so the lips look a bit darker. Then click again the icon for create new fill or adjustment layer>gradient map. Click alt+ctrl+g , then set the layer mode into color.
After this is done, set the color so it would look like a lips. The color I left it to you to imagine. This is how mine’s look.
To make a skin variation in the face, just make a loose selection around the face and click the icon for create new fill or adjustment layer>curve.
Tweak it a bit, so it was up to your satisfaction and don’t forget to change the layer mode into color.
Now, look at the hair, it still didn’t look real
so select it, and go to create new fill or adjustment layer>gradient map. Set the hair into your liking, if there is some bleeding just remedy them using brush or eraser in the mask layer.
Don’t forget to change the layer mode into color.
then just add some background. And you are done with this tutorial. This is how mine’s look.