Pop sensation Justin Bieber has joined Instagram and tweeted out his first picture to his 11 million+ followers. The result? Quite phenomenal.
Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom revealed that in the first hour after tweeting the pic, Bieber was gaining about 50 followers a minute and getting one comment every 10 seconds or so. All thanks to one picture of L.A traffic.
According to Photorank.me, which measures influence in the photo-sharing space, “Bieber’s numbers are already off the chart.” That’s what happens when you’re an Internet celebrity with 11 million followers on Twitter. At this rate, he could become one of the 15 top Instagram users overnight.
Cruel, cruel world, isn’t it?
But for Instagram, what really matters is they didn’t reach out to Bieber to get him using the service. The teen idol is just using it because he heard about it and decided to check it out, so this isn’t some kind of publicity stunt.
Instagram, which just hit 5 million users last month, is currently seeing its number of users growing significantly faster than it was before this whole teenage absurdity. The app is close to garnering 7 million users right now.
Also, another piece of good news for the photo-sharing service’s loyal users who happen not to be beliebers: Instagram is holding up under the strain of thousands of pre-teen girls flooding the service.