Writing is really fun for some people, we can tell many things, share knowledge, and exchanged some information through the posts article that we have made. Nowadays, in digital era, as we know there are many place on internet to deliver our penchant for writing such as social media, blogs, and forums. But how to make the article interesting and we look so inspire our visitors? There is a third Power in the world of writing is mostly done by a writer and copywriter who called POWER 3, what is POWER 3?

1. Stopping Power

Stopping Power is a method to get people to stop at the Headline of the article and provoke the reader to read the posts that you made. Usually peoples will stop reading an interesting and unique title. Stopping Power is successful can be seen by visitors to the blog, a forum, or website to read an article.

2. Shocking Power

At this stage a writer began to discuss something that will shocking the readers and draw curiosity the reader’s deeper. Posts like these we often find in the story at the beginning of the conflict.

3. Sticking Power

Sticking Power is the stage that is difficult is how to force the reader to read the article that we make through to completion. Each story is definitely a conflict as well as the final solution story. Here the end of the story needs to be packaged in an interesting, legitimated dramatization to make the story more interesting. If we write an article that is not the story but, as travel tips we can sort each point on the section to be easily understood tips readers.

If we succeed in implementing the POWER 3 by well, although in one article have many paragraphs, still make the reader feel need to read through our posts. The visitors will love our articles on blog, forum, or website and may be expected by the reader to the next article.