When people click “About Us” page in our website, that means our web design or content might just get a place in user’s heart. They want to know more about who behind this good web experience they just had. Give them a good second impression.

First, of course you know. We must keep this simple and short. Not too much chit chat. But still, it’s got to be complete description of your company/brand. Sort all information you want them to know: profile, history, key persons, testimonials from happy customers, contact information, etc. Using sub pages is much better than stuffing everything in one page.

Your About Us page should let people see the humanized side of your brand/company. You may tell them some great story about who started it and how. Put a little humor inside, but not too much. The most important is to make the story shine and touch them.

Don’t forget to always put your contact info. They may find the “About Us” page interesting and would like to contact us. Give them a chance to do it. Give them complete address, phone number, and email.