So now you got your site analyzed using Google Analytics. You’ll get a lot of data and information thrown at you, but do you understand what are those data telling you? Let’s find out how to read it. You might get better idea for your internet marketing if you know the right way of processing the result.
The number shown under “Hit” tells us about the number of files, any files that being requested from your website. Not only pages file, but also image files, or audio track, or anything. This number tells us how many clicks people make around our website. This is a very general result.
Page View
The title speaks itself. This tells us how many time pages In the site is viewed. This data is still too general to be processed into specific analysis, but from Page View data, we can see which page is strong enough to attract people.
Bounce Rate
This shows number of people who just visit a page and go no further. For example, if your bounce rate is 65%, that means you have 65 out of 100 visitors who just visit one page and leave.
Unique Visitors
This is where the stats really count. This is where the IP identifier works. One visitor, one IP, one count. So no matter how many pages they visit or how many times they reload, they only counted once. This is far more accurate than hits in terms of measuring your website performance.
This simply shows you how visitor come to your website. Could be direct hits, other website, or search engine. This way you can determine which promotion channels work best for your target audience so you can focus on that or improve other less attractive channel.
Now there are many thing we can measure from those result such as user interactivity, SEO, usability, etc.