Using rich media for your ad banner is always a good idea. Rich banner is an expert of catching people eye. But catching eye is just first aim. The main mission is to get people click it. There’s a bigger chance that people will click your rich ad banner if you do some of these move.
First, use human face on your ad banner. People love to click on other people’s faces. That’s just how they behave. Maybe because they can’t poke people’s faces in real life so they really love to do it online. Anyway, just play with this behavior. Put one or two people face in you rich ad banner.
Button shouldn’t also be left behind. Button shaped element may not be good looking, but they always build temptation in people mind and push them to click. Provide button to attract click, don’t just expect that the user know that the image on the ad is clickable.
If your rich media ad shows animation sequence at the beginning, you better keep it short. Be prepared to get abandoned if your animation is too long. Research has shown that the most clicks on ad banner happen at the first 14-15 seconds. After that, people will leave the building.